Launched in December, 2023, CoCollaborations, The Store promotes Artful Living. "Artful Living" does not mean expensive living but a way of life that appreciates beautiful and unique things and their placement and usage in daily life. 


The Store is run by CoCollaborations (Coco + Collaborations), a boutique agency, founded by Coco Masuda. It is based in Tribeca and Copake, New York, providing business and creative services. → CoCollaborations


What we carry are carefully curated by Coco, and consists mostly of Japanese brands and designers, but is not limited to that. More coming in the near future.


 This is my favorite calligraphy work by my late mother, a truly elegant woman who taught me to only purchase "authentic things."  The simple character means "mind/heart/spirit/soul." - Coco Masuda